Santulan Online Counselling

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Solutions Offered By Santulan

Educational Advise

Marriage, Age related

Sexual Advise

Adolescence, Youth

Guidance Leading to Intimacy

Personal Advise

Psychological Advise

Familial Imbalance

Dr. Bhadrayu Vachhrajani

Expert Adviser, Suitable Solution Provider

Prof. Dr. Bhadrayu Vachhrajani’s interest in biology and higher education earned him the first Doctorate on Sex Education in India. Since then he has guided twelve domestic and international doctoral scholars. He has received prestigious Pujya Mota award for the Best research paper. After teaching from KG to PG for more than thirty six years, Bhadrayu was Professor-Director of UGC’s inter-university institute for twelve years. During his brief tenure as Controller of Examination of Saurashtra University, he led exceptional reforms in education system which were appreciated across the country. As Advisor – Education of Adani Foundation, he has contributed nationally to the field of Education.

Latest articles from 1 May, 2022

“ભગવાને એને આગળ લઈ જવા માટે મને એનો ગુરુ નીમેલો છે.”

“ભગવાને એને આગળ લઈ જવા માટે મને એનો ગુરુ નીમેલો છે.”

“સમાધિમાં ઈન્દિરા મીરાંબાઈને ગીત ગાતાં સાંભળે અને સમાધિમાંથી જાગ્યા પછી એ આખુંયે ગીત મને લખાવે !! આવાં આઠસો ગીતો એણે લખાવ્યાં છે.” ભદ્રાયુ વછરાજાની ...

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“મારે પહેલું સંતાન થશે તેને હું સંસ્કૃતિને અર્પણ કરીશ.”

“મારે પહેલું સંતાન થશે તેને હું સંસ્કૃતિને અર્પણ કરીશ.”

“જયારે મારી ઉમર 50 વર્ષની થશે, ત્યારે હું જે કોઈ શહેરમાં હોઈશ ત્યાંથી ઉઠી જઈશ અને કોઈ ગામડાંની અંદર બેસી જઈશ અને ત્યાં વૈદિક પરંપરાને આગળ ધપાવવા...

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Counselling for Positive Parenting

બાળઉછેરની બારાક્ષરી શીખવતું કોઉન્સેલિંગ સેન્ટર એટલે “સંતુલન”

Benefits Of Santulan Guidance Program

Santulan Guidance Program shall be beneficial not only to students but to all the stakeholders

Counselling For Students

1. Increasing self-awareness.
2 Planned career planning with short
and long-term goal setting.
3. Generates inquisitiveness for Competence matching with various careers 8- professions.

Counselling For School/Community & Teachers

1. Schools/Community & Teachers are aware of the profile of the children in the 8th Class and can plan various activities for nurturing these skills, interests & aptitude in children.
2. Parents, Teachers and Community’s trust on the school increases thereby enhancing creadibility of the school.
3. Brand name of a school, Trust improves with ex students as brand ambassadors.


Counselling For Parents

1. Awareness of child’s potential and will keep real expectation from him/her.
2. Can assist the child in building up his/her aptitudes & potential.
3. Able to plan child’s future.

Books Written by Bhadrayu Vachhrajani


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Pooja Trivedi
Bhakti Kaneriya
Dhruvaanshi Pandya
Jelam Vachharajani
Bhavna Chauhan